Syndicate Finance, along with its associated entities, takes immense pride in supporting the Dave Foundation, a non-profit organization located in Mumbai. This foundation, fuelled by a philanthropic vision, has been consistently making meaningful societal contributions for years, supporting a diverse portfolio of beneficiaries such as trusts, organizations, societies, and individuals.

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The Dave Foundation actively runs several benevolent initiatives, including:

  • Assisting the deaf and blind
  • Educational scholarship provisions
  • Medical aid donations
  • Support for orphanages
  • Distribution of wheelchairs, medicines, and other medical equipment
  • Additional contributions as determined by the Trust

Further, the foundation collaborates with a multitude of organizations and takes part in a variety of programs. These include:

  • National Association for the Blind: http://www.nabindia.org
  • Father Agnel Ashram Orphanage Charity
  • Various Scholarship Programs
  • Tata Memorial Hospital for Cancer: https://tmc.gov.in
  • WWF’s Save the Tiger Program
  • Anti-Poaching Wildlife Initiatives

For inquiries, kindly reach us at: donations@syndicatefinance.in

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Attention Applicants

If you’re in need, we welcome applications through email or a traditional letter sent to the above address. If your application aligns with our existing programs, a representative from the foundation will be in touch. However, please note, the foundation reserves the right to accept or reject applications and determine the donation amounts entirely at its discretion, without any external influences.